
Kelsey Miller is a culture writer based in Brooklyn, New York. She is the author of international bestseller, I'll Be There For You (Hanover Square Press, 2018), a pop-culture history of Friends, and the memoir Big Girl (Grand Central Publishing, 2016). Her work has been featured in New York Magazine, Glamour, Medium, Women's Health, Vulture, Entertainment Weekly, Literary Hub, Refinery29, A Cup of Jo, and more.

"I'll Be There For You is a lot like Friends: you come for the comfort, you stay for the much larger (and far more interesting) conversations it sparks...Miller not only gives all the fascinating backstory on how such a seminal and popular show made to air, but answers the question that's been following me for years: how is this show still so popular? I'll Be There For You isn't just about Friends — it's about the specific void that Friends has filled in so many people's everyday lives."
– Anne Helen Petersen, culture writer and author of Can't Even

"Big Girl is so much more than the story of a girl's life-long struggles with food and her body. It is a unflinchingly honest and laugh-out-loud hilarious look at what it means to be a woman, full stop. Kelsey Miller's struggles might not specifically be yours, but no one reading this spectacular debut memoir will doubt that how she deals with those struggles, her successes and very human failures, are universal. This book is, quite simply, an act of both courage and kindness, shining a spotlight on the things we all hold secret, and in the process it becomes not only inspirational and uplifting, but more importantly, an enormously entertaining piece of writing."
– Stacey Ballis, author of Out to Lunch
Media inquiries for I'll Be There For You:
Emer Flounders
Hanover Square Press